All accepted abstracts will be published online with Frontiers and thus will receive a DOI.
Download the abstract book from Frontiers' website
Presentation types
Preliminary poster measurements are W110 cm x H180 cm. The materials required for mounting posters will be provided.
Each demo station consists of a table, chairs, poster board, electrical supply, and internet access via broadband LAN.
Investigator presentation
The Program committee will select 24, 20-minute presentations from submitted abstracts with priority given to abstracts for tracks:
- A - Informatics I: Data systems
- B - Informatics II: Computing systems
- C - Neuroimaging
- D - Computation and cognition
- E - Informatics III: Visualization
- F - Informatics IV: From single neurons to large-scale networks: Connecting micro macro scales
- G - Brain disorders
- H - Normal development / cognition
Abstract submission is handled through Frontiers
The poster session is sponsored by F1000 Research